Region Värmland: "Kivra better for taxpayers"

Savings, fewer missed care visits and increased durability. When Region Värmland started sending in Kivra, the positive effects came quickly.

Region värmland hero

Digital transformation that benefits everyone

8,500 people work in Region Värmland, and the region spans a range of businesses. Whether it's health care, public transport or folk high schools, we continuously work to increase digitization - for everyone's sake.

We send three million shipments per year, and we can reach most of the recipients through Kivra. It is in several ways better for both society and the individual, says Mathias Sandkvist, development leader in the region.

With the residents in focus

For Region Värmland, it is important to communicate on the residents' terms. And since over six million Swedes choose Kivra today, the region gets an obvious and effective shortcut to the people. Thanks to tools such as the sender portal, you can also easily follow statistics and flows and get an even better overview.

Bigger savings and maximum benefit

How do you get the maximum return on tax money? There are constant savings requirements in the region, and it is important to work smart with the changes that make savings possible. Here, it is important to find cost-effective and reliable solutions that also last over time. Starting to ship in Kivra meant significantly reduced costs - basically overnight. They more than halved the postage, while digital calls mean reduced costs for missed healthcare visits.

We are grateful for the results and savings we have seen so far. Our hope is that this development will continue and that we can offer even better services for the residents of Region Värmland, says Mathias.

Region värmland om-bild

About Region Värmland

Region Värmland is responsible for development efforts in areas such as health care, dental care, public transport, infrastructure, business, labor market, gender equality, skills supply and culture. They are also responsible for five of the county's six community colleges.

Region Värmland's vision is "World-class quality of life". It means that they must contribute to security, welfare and quality of life for everyone in Värmland.